Reader Response : "Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capabilities" by Tesla Draft #1

"Autopilot and Full Self Driving Automation" by Tesla (n.d.)

Tesla”s article on “Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability ” ( n.d.) mentions that it is a technologically advanced driver-assistance system created with partial vehicle automation. With the proper utilization of autopilot, it almost diminishes the drivers overall responsibility of paying attention on the road. Newly produced Tesla vehicles are furnished with “external cameras and advanced vision processing” which enhances safety precautions. Every vehicle manufactured for the North America market is currently utilizing  “camera-based Tesla Vision” to provide autopilot capabilities instead of relying on its radar. As highlighted in the same webpage (Tesla, n.d.), all Tesla vehicles made after September 2014 come with safety features as a standard. In another article (Wikipedia, n.d.), Autopilot systems programmed on road vehicles are designed to decrease the strain of prolonged drives, as hours of continuous driving can induce substantial fatigue due to constant alertness on the road. Tesla's main objective is to inculcate complete “autonomous driving” in the future, achieving “technical and regulatory hurdles” of the North America market. 

Source Citation:
(Autopilot - Elon Musk quote)
(Autopilot - Tesla)
(Level 0-5 automation)


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