Personal Introduction Email.

Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Syakir Talib and I am delighted to be in your critical thinking and communicating class. This message serves as an introduction from me to provide you with my educational background, goals, strengths and shortcomings.

I withdrew myself from secondary school to pursue my career as a professional footballer at Hamburger Sports-Verein (HSV) academy in Hamburg, Germany. It was the most risky yet best decision I had ever made. During that period of time, I received immense pressure from the school principal and teachers from other head of departments urging me to reconsider my decision as a young adult. I am smart to realize that education is paramount in developing one’s ability to read, think and write.

Furthermore, being a professional footballer in Singapore isn’t considered to be a bright career endeavor. There weren't a lot of words of encouragement, mostly malicious insinuations from teachers in an attempt to stop me from pursuing this once in a lifetime opportunity. Nevertheless, the decision to take a couple of gap years was a swing for the fences that leads to numerous victories and invaluable life experiences that extended far beyond the confines of a traditional classroom. My pursuit of passion for football transitioned to hobby as life’s demands and responsibilities grew. Soon after, I studied Architectural Design in College Central for two years and another three years in Temasek Polytechnic as an engineering student.

My strength in public speaking has gradually developed over the years. Engaging in Jiu Jitsu has not only contributed to my physical well being but has also enhanced my ability to articulate confidently and succinctly. It allows me to be a more effective and composed speaker especially in public settings. On the other hand, the shortcomings I intend to improve would be translating complex thoughts and concept ideas verbally. The occasional fillers are one of the bad habits I would like to get rid of as well. 

Looking ahead, my goal in class is to further polish my verbal communication and analytical skills in scrutinizing information and synthesizing ideas effectively. These skills are essential which are applicable to various academic subjects and real world scenarios.

In order for us Singaporeans to be first world class citizens, every mentally and physically capable individual has a responsibility to engage and nurture talent in our growing society and provide value and opportunity to the community without expecting any form of appreciation. This is a huge obstacle to overcome in addition to our respective life challenges and careers, however it will be easier to overcome it together as a community. We must build new innovative design creations that represent us Singaporeans. We don't follow trends. We lead. This will definitely inspire the young to shadow our habits and continue to create opportunities.

All in all, I am eager to embark on this academic journey with you and my fellow classmates. I believe your expertise will greatly contribute to my growth and I am enthusiastic in learning the invaluable lessons and skills I will acquire from your critical thinking and communicating class.

Warmest Regards,
Syakir Talib.


  1. Good stuff here, Syakir! I'll write in more detail once your blogging buddies have given you feedback

  2. Hey Syakir ,

    I am sorry that you turned away your passion in pursuit for a better future. I applaud you for taking courage to give up one of your aspirations for a better future, it must have been rough on you.

    The blog was coherent and structured, it gives a good personal background that allow readers and I to know you better. I may suggest that the second paragraph may be broken in to two paragraphs so that it is neater to read.

    Let's hone our communication and writing skills together!

    Zhi Xiang


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